When Eating Healthy and Feeling Well Gets Deep

The other day, I found myself in a moment of despair. You see, I spend a lot of time, money, and effort

to make certain I eat healthy and stay on track. After a recent trip to the doctor’s office, they let me

know that some of my numbers were low. What!?! This led me to review some of the things I had been

eating and NOT eating.

Did you know that eating healthy and trying to feel better is deeper than just that? When you are on

the journey to healing your body from whatever it is you may be suffering from, the first step is to

realize that there is more to it than eating healthy. Imagine maintaining your car. The outside is all shiny

and clean, and the gas tank is always full, but when you take your car to the mechanic, you are handed a

long list of repairs needed on your vehicle. Need I go on? Well, this is the same for your health.

So, you decided to go plant-based, but you spend your weekends chugging down shots at the bar, go to

sleep by 4 am, all to hop back up and spend another day doing the same thing?? This can’t be it. Don’t

get me wrong here. There is nothing wrong with having a little fun and living it up from time to time. We

are all about good times over here. Nothing wrong with indulging every now and then…but not every

weekend. There must be balance in everything.

Here are 3 things to consider when you decide to make that lifestyle change.

1. Make a list. Everyone’s list will be different depending on their lifestyle. A food list is always at

the top for me,

2. Try to get at least two friends or family members to support you. Let’s face it. Lifestyle changes

are not easy. Old habits die hard. I remember when I first gave up chicken about 7 years ago,

my daughter and husband would constantly eat Chick Fil A around me. The aroma of the

sandwiches and nuggets would make my mouth water, but I knew the hormones in the chicken

would deter my healing process. After I let them know that I would not be eating chicken

3. Be consistent. As with anything, consistency is key. Any change will be difficult in the beginning.

Just try your best to stick to it and make either a mental note or paper note of any difficulties

you may experience.

Are you looking to make any lifestyle changes? The small ones count too! Why wait until the new year

when you can go ahead and start now?


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